Information on the publication and presentation of contributions

Publication of contributions

The contributions - posters and talks - will be published as a book in high-quality color print by the KIT publishing house "KIT Scientific Publishing", and indexed in Scopus. Likewise, a download of the book in PDF format will be available.

For each accepted paper one author has to register and present the paper at the conference either orally or by means of a poster.
The presenter agrees to an on-site recording of his/her talk. Furthermore, he/she agrees to a publication on the IOSB websites.

The author must register as a presenter.

All authors have to write their paper using the provided LaTeX template and submitted to IOSB, including the complete LaTeX sources, as a ZIP file via submission link. Other formats (Word or similar) cannot be accepted. The maximum number of pages is ten pages. Please make sure that you use only figures having an adequately high resolution (minimum 300 ppi, better vector graphics).

  • Link to LaTeX template to download and fill in
  • Link to Publication Submission to upload your final ZIP file or PDF poster file 

Submission deadline: January 10, 2025

Publication is based on a Creative Commons License. For more information, see here.

Notes on the presentation

For each oral presentation, there will be slots of 20 minutes and room for 5 minutes of questions and discussion. For this we suggest a PowerPoint presentation in 16:9 format. 

For Poster: You have 5 minutes to present the poster and room for 3 minutes of questions and discussion.. For better readability we suggest a PowerPoint presentation in 16:9 format, max. 6 pages.

You will be introduced by the moderating program committee member and can present your talk live.


Registration fee

The fee includes conference proceedings, buffet lunch, snacks, and beverages during coffee breaks as well as buffet dinner on Wednesday.

For participants
Registration before February 1, 2025
520 €
490 €
For speakers
Registration before February 1, 2025
390 €
350 €
For students
Registration before February 1, 2025
230 €
200 €